Three Design Elements That Instantly Elevate Any Room AND leave room for personality
Howdy and happy Friday! I'm thrilled to be writing from my newly renovated PRIMARY bedroom (yep, got it right this time!), and I've got some exciting insights to share about my design journey and recent personal discoveries.
While I often present myself as an "expert" doling out high-end advice, the truth is, I'm just a design geek who's slightly obsessed with wallpaper, color, and furniture. People may pay me for design help, but I've learned and developed my style through sheer determination and passion. It's a journey that anyone can embark on with enough dedication.
But beyond the expert facade, what I really want to do is connect with you on a personal level and share my discoveries along the way.
Speaking of discoveries, here's a surprising one—
I've realized I'm a bit of a prima donna.
It might not be evident from the outside — I never make my bed and my socks almost never match —
But I'm a firm believer in accepting oneself as is. I indulge in the finer things in life, from frequent hair coloring to luxurious manicures and shopping at high-end stores (I only buy one or two things but I stay away from fast fashion). Similarly, I prioritize the best for my body and mind, whether it's enjoying my weekly roast chicken from the local French delicatessan or embarking on leisurely hikes.
At 42, it's high time I treated myself well!
I run my life like a beautiful montage of good food, laughter, relaxation, and art. It's a delicate balance between indulgence and simplicity, one that I've mastered in my personal life but neglected in my personal style.
By the way, even reading this back to myself I make it seem like I am constantly pampering myself. That is not the case. For the first 40 years of my life, I was living on a shoestring budget and only spent money on remodeling homes for flips. I also never mentally treated myself to the nicer things because I felt I didn’t deserve it. But never mind that —
In case you're new here or unfamiliar with my story, you can catch up by checking out My Story. I began my journey as a house flipper in 2013, aiming for simple luxury without personality. Despite the prevalence of HGTV shows advocating for this approach, I found it relatively straightforward to achieve.
However, in 2020, I experienced a change of heart—I no longer wanted to adhere to the paint-by-numbers approach, especially when it came to decorating my home.
I veered in the opposite direction, filling every inch of space with eclectic treasures and quirky decor. But after a while, I realized—I needed a touch of quiet luxury to balance out my exuberance. I wanted my style to reflect both my youthful joy and my growing appreciation for refinement.
I found myself grappling with the timeless design challenge: How can I maintain my distinctive, quirky style while giving it an air of luxury without being pretentious?
This question led me to embark on the final redo of my primary bedroom (we’re 80% there!!!), and I'm excited to share some key insights with you.
incorporate Wood
As Larry David would say, I respect wood. It's a fantastic way to add a touch of class and act as a palette cleanser in a room filled with color and patterns.
Reath Design
You can incorporate wood in various ways, from wall paneling to oversized coffee tables. And the best part? Wood retains its beauty, even with a few imperfections. So, don't hesitate to scour Facebook Marketplace for that perfect find.
Built-ins & Wall-Mounted Storage
Next, built-ins and wall-mounted storage. While most built-ins can be expensive, I've discovered a well-known interior design secret—Semihandmade or Fronteriors and IKEA Besta wall-mounted shelves. They offer a clean and luxurious look without breaking the bank.
Opting for wall-mounted or built-in storage enhances room cohesiveness over furniture shelving. It offers a sense of permanence, vital for purposeful, elegant design.
It’s so clean and simple, which is a great reminder that not everything needs to steal the spotlight in order to make an impact. In fact, I enjoy the art even more because of it.
Large Art
Lastly, large art. Gallery walls filled with small art pieces are charming, but I've come to appreciate the impact of large art pieces. They elevate a space and make a bold statement, often at a comparable cost to multiple smaller pieces. Take my favorite gallery wall by designer Damien Hirst for his client, Jason Hartig:
Now imagine if the wall was just smaller paintings and prints. Would it have the same impact? Not for me, no.
Most people think that large art is scary expensive, but here’s the thing. If you add up all the small paintings you would need to fill a wall, and add framing, the expense is probably less than what you would spend on an oversized print. In fact, here is some relatively inexpensive large art to get you started!
In my design adventures, I've found that incorporating any of these three elements instantly elevates a room, allowing you to fill the rest of the space with your personal flair.
It’s like eating a gorgeous salad with all the veggies and perfectly roasted chicken and then saving room for dessert because you’ve been good all day.
Thanks for joining me on this journey, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or insights.
Elegantly yours,
If you’re like me, you’ve had it up to here with those snooze-inducing showrooms that are more "museum" than "home". I'm flipping the script on home styling, and let me tell you, there won't be any rulebooks or tedious style history lessons involved. Just pure creativity.
Why do I rebel against the ordinary? For seven years, I meticulously crafted and refurbished homes solely for their resale value. I dwelled in a universe of beige, grey, black, and white. But in 2020, I reached my limit and gleefully abandoned all that for a fantastical realm of vibrant colors and delightful oddities. Dive deeper into my journey right here. 🌈🤹♂️🏡
My work and advice has been showcased in prestigious publications such as Architectural Digest, Better Homes and Gardens, The Zoe Report, Real Homes, and Homes & Gardens, among others.
I know that I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but then again, neither are you…