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ahhhh... Ikea.
Inspiration, Lighting, Pillows, Resources, My Finds Melanie Thomas Inspiration, Lighting, Pillows, Resources, My Finds Melanie Thomas

ahhhh... Ikea.

Today is a BIG day in the Thomas family household. It happens only once a year typically, and it usually happens on a whim. Today I make my trek to IKEA Burbank. If you live in Los Angeles, you probably have done this once or twice or twelve times before. The showrooms, the wonky carts, the big yellow plastic bags, the aisle traffic rules, the arguing couples, the MEATBALLS. You go in wanting a rolling cart, you come out with a whole kitchen dining set, a few lamps, a quirky objet d'art, and definitely some loganberry jam for those frozen meatballs you never ate from last time. Again with the meatballs... but I do love them and if you haven't tried their cafeteria, the trip is worth it alone.

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