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Week 8: The Final Reveal
Her name? Carlotta. She is a vintage Harrod’s poster by Gerald Razzia. I love her because she looks like a total bitch. She can decimate you with her icy stare.
And until Carlotta came across my path, this room was a total mystery to me.

ORC WEek 6: Mood board perfection vs. real life
I’m not going to lie. This bedroom is the hardest room I’ve ever had to design. The challenge is real: it’s a northern facing room, extremely tall and has odd angles. All of these factors mean several UNCHANGEABLE things:
1) The room must painted a darker shade
2) Symmetry is my friend
3) I must use larger prints/images to fill the space vs. smaller objects. Sure I can have smaller objects, but only for smaller moments and vignettes.

orc week 5: now we’re getting somewhere
It’s Week 5 and I’m exhausted. I’m exhausted from my emotions, I’m exhausted from sanding the shite out of a perfectly nice dresser. I’m exhausted from my brain re-thinking EVERY decision I make.
But I’m complaining. Really, I should be incredibly grateful because this roller coaster of indecision and doubt ended with me joyously crying over a skylight:

Week 2 of orc: skylights & Final design reveal
First off, I’m still aghast that I am fulfilling my dream of participating in the #oneroomchallenge. If I could have seen myself today back when I first started out, I don’t think I could believe it. Too often I forget how far I’ve come on this journey and don’t give myself the room to pat myself on the back and say “Good job!” And would have been astounded that I am still just as much in love with this art. I always have this fear that if I love something, I will lose my love for it. But every day, my love grows and deepens. I will try to enjoy every second of it as much as my ego will allow.

One Room Challenge: the big reveal
I know what you’re thinking… what?! It’s reveal day already?????!! Relax… I’m not there YET, but I am a bit of a tease.
No, this reveal is to let you know which room I decided to redo. And you might be shocked, since MOST of you wanted me to do this:

my first one room challenge and I need help
Wow, I never thought I would do this but here I am! I am submitting for my first #OneRoomChallenge, and I have too many ideas and need your help. The submissions start April 1st, 2023 so that means I have to get cracking.