sixty-six of My favorite peel-n-stick wallpapers

Okay okay. I give in. For those who have even mentioned the words “temporary wallpaper”, you’ll know I’m not a fan. Several have tried to dissuade me from my convictions, and to no avail. I don’t just love wallpaper because it’s there. I love it for its artistry and craftsmanship. Peel-n-stick often feels to me like mass-produced and disposable whereas pasted wallpaper feels like ART. There are several arguments against peel-n-stick:

  • First and foremost, most landlords are not aware that temporary wallpaper can actually do more damage than pasted wallpaper. This is because the stickiness on a temp wallpaper has to be WAY more viscous and sticky in order to actually stick.

  • More difficult to install. Traditional wallpaper is way more forgiving if you make a mistake. However, for those of you who have even made a tiny error with peel-n-stick, you’ll know there is no fixing even the smallest fold-over. That piece is DONE once its touched another surface or stuck to itself.

  • You have to buy more to cover the same amount of wall space. While some might think it’s actually cheaper to buy temp wallpaper, it can actually be just as expensive. Temp wallpaper is sold in smaller square footage (so as to make it easier to apply) so you have to buy far more rolls.

  • Paper quality and digital print. It’s not temp wallpaper’s fault it has to be digitally printed and feel a little plastic. Several companies have sent me samples of their peel-n-stick and I still hold firm to this conviction. I will not budge. And I’m not mad at it, I just know the difference and I will never change my mind because it’s just a fact. It’s ok for things to be digital, but please don’t tell me it’s the same as traditional wallpaper.

  • Limited designs.

Despite all of these reasons, I do think that removable wallpaper is useful… I love using them to cover boxy furniture!!!

BUT several of you have asked so I am remiss to give you what you want! And it is not my job to judge. I’m not happy about temporary wallpaper, but I recognize that it is important to YOU guys. I will use my powers to help you pick out the ABSOLUTELY FUCKING BEST peel-n-stick wallpaper in the world!!!!

Before we do that…


Anthropologie is ALWAYS my first go-to when it comes to wallpaper. Why? Because their curation is always chef’s kiss exquisite. They are just so elegant and I love them all.

urban outfitters

Urban Outfitters is the Skipper to Anthropologie’s Barbie. These are just a SMALL sample of their removable wallpaper selection, I just cherry-picked my favorites. You should definitely check out the Crane wallpaper, which is very reminiscent of Gucci’s Crane wallpaper.

Mitchell Black

Mitchell Black is kinda become one of my favorite wallpaper companies. I used the “infinity blocks” print recently for a project and I’m very pleased with the price and design quality. It’s not as high quality as traditional wallpaper I’ve used before, but that’s what makes it so versatile and fun. Plus the designs are higher quality than what I’ve seen in the past. Check out their site! Tell ‘em I said “Whatup?!”


I am frankly surprised how good quality these appear in the photographs. Like stunned. Really look at option 2 & 3. That’s some high quality digital printing my friends. I’m like… kinda in love, guys. Would it be a slippery slope if the government allowed us to marry wallpaper? Cuz, let me slide on down.

Flavor Paper

How fantastic are these? Flavor Paper is a funky wallpaper perveyor, heavily influenced by their love of Andy Warhol (like literally have a Warhol themed selfie-wall wallpaper and most of his famous designs). That first option listed — that’s WALLPAPER.

And what’s even better? They are not “peel-n-stick” — they are EZPapes.

1. EZ Papes, which are on a pre-pasted ground with a water activated paste. In short, all you have to do is dip the wallpaper under water and hang; lightly wet it to take it down. Magic! Since the material is slightly transparent, be sure to paint the wall white before installation.


Wallshoppe is so pervasive and so chock full o’ options, I had to include them here. Although they are pretty guilty of the reasons why I typically DON’T like peel-n-stick — sorry, Wallshoppe, I’m just being honest and this post is not sponsored — they have such COOL designs. If you really do need peel-n-stick, this vendor cannot be beat with options and price. Each selection above comes in multiple colorways so if you don’t like what I picked out, there are six other combos from which to choose. And just a little confession — I have the “El Quijote in Persimmon” traditional wallpaper on my hallway ceiling:

I’m not going to lie… I only got through page 19 of 45 on Target’s peel-n-stick options. At a certain point, I feel like I’ve gotten enough to not overwhelm myself or you. And I kinda fatigued if I’m really being honest. I kinda gosh darn love that paint-by-numbers-ness in the desert landscape mural. I would love to use that in a kids room in place of the usual saccharine sweet stuff. And textured peel-n-stick??? Ok, Target. Well-played.

Phew. I’m exhausted. Taking a break!

Astek Home

I’ll say this once: good design is good design. Sometimes good design is not about being cute or beautiful. It’s about using the medium you have, in this case peel-n-stick, and using that to your advantage. I love Astek peel-n-stick wallpaper because they do not try to trick you into thinking it’s traditional wallpaper. Take the pink dotted wallpaper. It is not sophisticated but I so do love it because its not pretentious. It’s just cool.

Kate Zaremba

Legs? Check. Heads? Check. Funny names for the designs? Check check. Peel-n-stick paper doesn’t need to be stuffy and pretentious. Sometimes we just want to have fun, right?

X Wallcolors

Bring on the weirdo drama! Yet another entry from our friends on Etsy, I love X Wallcolors story:

WALLCOLORS is a place that will inspire you to change your interior! As a manufacturer, we ensure that our wallpapers are characterized by a unique and original style, as well as the highest quality. To achieve this, we work with the most creative and talented artists in Poland. The mission of our company is to create beautiful and unique wallpapers that will inspire and bring joy to the lives of our customers.

I love Polish artisans simply because they are just so good at conveying a POV in such a unique way. Pink monkeys and stoic men blowing bubble gum unique. Bravo, X Wallcolors!

**UPDATE: I ordered a few samples from this vendor and the printing did not live up to expectations. It was passable at best but still a little blurry and a tad pixelated, so buyer beware!

Chasing Paper

And now for our last entry — I know, too soon but I’m going crazy looking at thousands of sites for this post!!! — Chasing Paper. As you can see, Chasing Paper is just pure fun! It’s giving me all the vibes - color, irreverence, Monty Python, bauhaus, thoughtful image placement. That’s the key - how do the images play with each other. There are thousands of wallpapers out there, but the best design ensnares you in its story and creates a whole world unto its own.

The biggest question I ask myself now is… Would I use any of these in an actual design? The answer? Yes. I would totally use all of them. And that is the pre-requisite for any of these roundups.

And the biggest question I ask you — which one is YOUR favorite? Let me know below 👇👇👇👇👇


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